Helpful Links

Here are links to other programs and public agencies AWHP and its health plans work with on public policy issues related to health care coverage.

State Agencies & Public/Private Partnerships:

Accountable Communities of Health

AWHP health plans are part of the nine accountable communities of health formed in Washington to address health care needs in context: What affects health care in a community, and how can we improve health by improving the community?

Accountable Communities of Health >

Office of the Insurance Commissioner

The OIC regulates health carriers, approving the premium rates filed with the Commissioner, reviewing provider network plans, monitoring the financial solvency of health plans and enacting rules governing their operations. We provide comments on proposed rules, and work with the Commissioner's staff to keep Washington's health coverage market financially strong and competitive.

OIC: About SHIBA Services >

Washington Healthplan Finder - Health Benefit Exchange

Medicaid and individual market enrollees shop for health plan coverage on the Exchange. Health plans participate in the Exchange's many work groups. Dedicated premium tax is paid by health plans to pay for the Exchange operation. >

Washington State Health Insurance Pool

Premium tax on health care coverage pays for the high risk pool plan that covers people living in counties without other health insurance for sale. >

Health Care Administration & Policy Development:

Bree Collaborative

Health plan medical experts work with the Bree Collaborative to develop on going evidence based medical standards and strategies to improve the quality of care in Washington state. >

Healthy Washington Coalition

Health plans actively help the Healthy Washington Coalition to ensure Washington has quality, affordable health care for all residents. >


Health plans work on administrative simplification with OneHealthPort, helping providers establish credentials, receive payment and ensure confirmation of coverage. >

Washington Health Alliance

Big data can drive big change: We support the Health Alliance in its quest to use data to improve health care coverage and decision-making. >

Foundations & Educational Organizations:

Cambia Grove

We participate in Cambia Grove's health care innovation focused events. >

Group Health Foundation

We support the Foundation's goal of Health Equity in Washington. >